Red Flags Colombian Women Notice on Dating Profiles
Dating in Barranquilla, Colombia is something that a lot of guys want to do. There’s a bit of a stereotype that Colombian women are all beautiful and passionate, both of which are things that many men like in a woman. But these women are hundreds if not thousands of miles away, which can make dating them a little hard.
Which is why many of those men turn to online dating. Maybe you’re one of those men and maybe you’re one of the many men who try their hands at online dating without actually knowing a thing about online dating.
You may know the basics about swiping left or swiping right and all that, but the actual intricacies of online dating may be alien to you. So maybe you put a few things on your profile that you shouldn’t have, a few things that make potential partners think to themselves that maybe they should invest their time in another person.
So it would be really helpful for a lot of guys, and you could be one of them, to know what these dating profile red flags are so they can be better avoided.
National Stereotypes
Look, national stereotypes exist for a reason and sometimes, that reason is because there’s some truth behind them. Maybe an aspect of a country’s culture gets exaggerated and it becomes a defining trait to outsiders.
Whatever the case, these stereotypes become ingrained in the popular consciousness to people outside of that culture.
But whether there is truth to these stereotypes or not, putting anything that resembles a stereotype about Colombia is not going to get you a lot of traction with many Colombian women, who might not be appreciative of being reduced to something that may or may not even apply to them instead of a full-fledged person in her own right.
So guys who are trying to get with a Colombian woman would do well to avoid putting down any kind of stereotypes about Colombians and maybe Latin Americans as a whole. It’d be in your best interests to come in with as open a slate as possible.
That said, you should probably learn something about Colombia and put that on your profile in a subtle way. Not like you’re trying to show off what you know but like you just happen to know it, like it’s knowledge that you just happen to have.
It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This little truism is a bit more extreme in online dating. In online dating, your profile makes the impression for you. Personalities don’t often shine through on the outset, which means looks are important.
But the pictures, or the lack thereof, that are on dating profiles can be a red flag. First of all, a profile with no pictures of the user’s face is sketchy at best. A woman who’s looking at a profile where the only pics are sunsets or something like that is probably going to think he’s ugly or he’s someone she already knows and is stalking her or any number of things that’s going to stop her from exploring the profile any further and making a match.
Bad pictures aren’t also going to do you any favors. If the pictures you choose aren’t flattering, you’re not likely to make a lot of matches because again, looks are of paramount importance in online dating.
Of course, if all your pictures are flattering to an extreme degree, that’s also going to make alarms go off in some people’s heads because when all the pictures in someone’s profile seem like they could be part of a professional photoshoot, that’s suspicious. Sure, a professional model who’s on a dating service might actually use a few of the pieces from the portfolio, but most people slip in a few candid shots as well.
Also, smile in your photos. If you’re trying to look cool by not caring, potential partners are going to want to look cool by not matching with you.
Pictures with sunglasses can also turn some women off since they’re going to wonder what you’re hiding from.
An Empty Bio
Another red flag that can make women in Colombia and everywhere around the world think that maybe a guy isn’t someone they should spend time with is their bio. Bio data like age, height, and all that are usually part of a dating profile. Some services give their users the option to leave them blank, but too many empty spaces in a profile can be a clear sign of a false profile.
A Bio That’s Full…Of Negativity
On the other side of the spectrum, if your bio is stuffed to the brim with negativity, then that’s not going to win over a lot of women. Some Colombian girls may like the drama that comes with a man with that kind of emotional baggage, but many more of them just want a relationship where their partner will make them happy.
This can be especially important if you complain about your exes or about women in general. A Colombian woman who reads your complaints about women, if they’re present, might think that the facet of your personality you’re presenting in her complaints isn’t something that they’d like to be around and move on from your profile.
So don’t rain on anyone’s parade when crafting your bio, especially because you might rain on your own.
A Profile That’s Vague
Another thing that can be seen as a red flag is vagueness. This isn’t the same as an empty profile. You put things on your profile, just not enough to give a potential partner a clear idea of who you are as a person and what kind of partner you’d be in a hypothetical relationship.
So put enough on your profile that a woman can at least have some type of idea of who you are as a person.
Dating is hard. Online dating, because of how relatively new it is, can be even harder for people who didn’t grow up with the internet. But as hard as it is, some mistakes can be pretty fatal to a person’s chances at finding love.
So recognize what those mistakes are so that you don’t make them when you seek Colombian women for love and marriage.