How To Tell if Dating in Colombia Is Working For You

Pilar Domínguez-Jameson
5 min readJun 7, 2021


Say you’re in a relationship with a Colombian woman. Not just a woman of Colombian descent but grew up abroad, but one that was born and raised in the country. So she’s going to have very different norms and values from you.

Now say that she’s also significantly younger than you. Now they not only have the same life experience that you have, they also have different cultural touchstones like music, television, and movies.

These cultural touchstones will influence their personalities, such as how they show love and how they expect love to be shown. Which means that you might have a bit of a hard time figuring out if your relationship is working or not.

There’s Trust

One of the most important things in a relationship is trust. This doesn’t just mean being able to do trust falls, but also being able to sit back comfortably at home while your partner goes and has a night out with her friends.

Some people would get jealous in such situations and start to imagine all kinds of scenarios where their partner is out on the town not being faithful to them.

If you find yourself closer to the latter than the former, then maybe your relationship isn’t working out. If it’s the former, then that’s a good sign that you’ve found the right relationship.

Communication Is Open

Another important cornerstone of any relationship is communication. Being able to talk openly about your partner is a sign of a solid relationship. And you don’t even have to talk about your days either.

Sometimes, people may find themselves feeling unappreciated in their relationship. Being able to voice these concerns to your partner without worrying about them finding you annoying is one of the most telling signs of a healthy relationship.

There Isn’t Any Competition

People who are in relationships with partners who are in a similar stage in life as them might find themselves getting competitive. They may see their partner rise faster in their career or earn more money. This feeling that they’re losing some imaginary competition can foster resentment.

But if you’re in the right relationship, you’re going to feel like you’re winning regardless of how your or your partner’s career is going. You win, she wins. You lose, she loses. Because it’s a team effort.

There’s A General Consensus

Some couples can finish each other’s sentences because they’re just so in sync with each other. But not every couple can come to that level of agreement.

But that level of agreement isn’t what’s important in a relationship. What’s important is that both halves of a relationship have a general agreement regarding their shared future, like if they’re going to get married and how many kids they’ll have.

You Actually Like Spending Time Together

It’s a common joke to refer to your wife as your ball and chain, like being married is a prison, as if it’s just constant misery. But there are couples for whom marriage is not a prison.

If you find yourself in a relationship where you enjoy spending time with your partner not just as romantic partners but as genuine friends, then that’s a telling sign that you’re doing something right when it comes to your relationship.

When You’re Allowed To Be Vulnerable

In Colombia, there’s an undercurrent of machismo that runs through the culture. It makes men want to look tough and strong.

But one of the biggest signs that a relationship is real and right is when you feel like you can be vulnerable around someone without being emasculated.

When you’re with someone that you don’t feel like you need to put up a facade for, then that person is right for you.

When You’re A Team

Another sign that the woman you’re dating is right for you is when you both deal with problems. Couples argue over whose fault some problems are and then sling blame back and forth. But there are some couples who don’t argue over who or what caused the problem. They just see the problem and then fix it together.

If your relationship leans more towards tackling the problem together as opposed to playing the blame game, then it might be right for you.

You’re Happy

The most telling sign that a relationship, whether it’s romantic, platonic, or familial, is working out fine for you is if you’re happy in it. If you’re in a place where the thought of seeing the other person brings you dread, then it’s not working for you.

But if the thought of seeing a person again brings a smile to your face, then keep seeing that person. This can be doubly important in a long-distance relationship, because sometimes absence does not make the heart grow fonder.

If you’re not miserable in your relationship, then that’s a very strong indicator that that relationship is the right fit for you.

The divorce rate in the United States is often touted to be at 50 percent. That’s not true. The divorce rate is relatively low, with about 7.6 divorces per every 1000 marriages. Many of these relationships end because things weren’t right; the person wasn’t right, the timing wasn’t right, or any number of factors not quite fitting properly.

Some people didn’t see the things that were wrong in their relationship. Some people ignored the red flags that they shouldn’t have. They didn’t know what was wrong in their relationships because they didn’t know what’s supposed to be right.

Because they don’t know that something’s right, they believe it’s the exact opposite. Maybe it’s a cultural or generational difference. Maybe a friend gives them the wrong kind of advice, but people miss the green flags in their relationship.

So look out for the things that go right so you’ll know whether or not you should keep going with a relationship. The green flags are there, both in the way you feel and in the way she acts with you. You just have to learn to recognize them.



Pilar Domínguez-Jameson
Pilar Domínguez-Jameson

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