Gifts To Give A Colombian Woman

Pilar Domínguez-Jameson
5 min readJun 7, 2021


If you’re a guy who’s dating a Colombian woman, then you’re probably not with her all the time. She’s in Colombia, you’re not in Colombia. But then you’ve probably got plans in motion to put you two in the same place.

But until those plans are realized, you’re going to have to wait. You’ll have to be patient and while patience is supposedly a virtue, waiting is not fun. But there are a few things that you can get her so that you can make the separation a little more bearable and to make the eventual transition a little easier for the both of you.

An Air Fryer

If you’re American, you’ve probably had your fair share of dishes that have been deep fried in oil. But here’s the thing about frying food in oil; it’s not super healthy. Still, the food it produces is delicious, which is why fried food is so popular in the United States.

If you’re dating a Colombian woman and intend to bring her over to the United States to live with you, you’re going to want her to get acclimated to the food that she’ll be surrounded by. Plus, air fryers are compact and easy to use. She won’t have to carve out space in her kitchen because an air fryer takes up about as much space as a coffee maker. She won’t need to use any oil. She can just put her food in, turn it on, and then have her food fried.

Plus, since there isn’t any oil involved, air fried food is slightly healthier than oil fried food so she can get started on an American diet without consuming copious amounts of vegetable oil.

A Heart-Shaped Ring Light

If you can’t fly over to Colombia or fly your woman over to you, then a lot of your communication is going to be over some type of video telephony service like FaceTime or Zoom. Most mobile devices, be they phones, laptops, or tablets, have front cameras that can support such service.

Problems can arise when the lighting is bad. A beautiful face and HD resolution won’t count for much when it’s too dark to actually see anything.

A ring light fixes that. But don’t just get her any ring light. No, the person you’re getting it for is your potential soul mate. Don’t get her a ring light shaped like a ring because the only rings you should be getting her are the ones proposing marriage and signifying it.

Get her a ring light that’s shaped like a heart, because hearts are romantic.

Comfortable Leggings

When you bring her over to you, there will be days where there’ll be nothing to do. Everyone has their lazy days, where they do nothing but lounge about. So she’s going to need something for that lounging.

Athleisure clothing has become quite popular in the United States, not for athletic purposes but because the elastic waistbands are generally easy to get in and out of and they’re also fine for going to the grocery. In essence, they’re like pajamas that you can take to the grocery store.

Colombian women may have a fine sense of style, but as the saying goes; when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

An Instant Coffee Maker

Colombia is well-known all over the world for its coffee, but if you bring your lady over to you, she won’t be in Colombia anymore. Sure, she could drink Colombian coffee, but you can also get her an instant coffee maker so she can get used to what’s commonly consumed in the United States.

Sure, Colombia may have a pretty extensive coffee culture, but she may not have access to that culture when she’s with you in the United States, so she’s going to have to get used to what you have unless she wants to go without caffeine.

A Suitcase

You’ve probably sent your Colombian lover a few things. Maybe you send out a package every few weeks. Well, that means that she’ll have acquired quite a lot of stuff and she might want to bring some of that stuff with her when you bring her over to your part of the world.

So she’s going to need something to take all that stuff with her. So just before you’re ready to finally bring her over, send her a good suitcase so she can take the things that she wants to take with her.

An Engagement Ring

If you get her an engagement ring, you’re really cooking with gas as far as gifts go. Keep in mind that this isn’t something you send in the mail. This is something that you’re supposed to present yourself. When you give her this, you’re to do it in person and on one knee.

The ring itself is going to be important. You’re going to want to get something elegant, not too ostentatious. You’re also going to want to make sure it fits. A lot of guys are able to figure out their partner’s ring size by tracing their existing rings.

You might not be able to do that, but what you can do is ask her friends and family to do it for you surreptitiously so as not to alert her that you’re getting ready to pop the question.

Getting engaged also serves another purpose. It speeds up the process of getting her to you. When you’re engaged, you can apply for one of those 90 day fiancé visas. If approved, you get to marry her within ninety days, which isn’t a lot of time to plan a wedding but the accelerated pace will be worth it when it’s all said and done.

Yeah, you’d rather be with her. Of course you’d rather be with her. But geography and immigration laws are keeping you apart.

Things cannot replace being together. No amount of material objects can supplant time spent with one another. However, material objects serve a purpose. They let your lady know that you’re thinking about her while you’re far away from her.



Pilar Domínguez-Jameson
Pilar Domínguez-Jameson

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