Can Average Men Date STUNNINGLY Beautiful Colombian Women?

Pilar Domínguez-Jameson
5 min readOct 26, 2021

For a lot of guys, a Colombian woman is kind of their dream girl. And why would she be? The women in Colombia are reputed to be beautiful, passionate, and loyal to their partners. Individually, each trait is highly desirable. So to have all three in one package is beyond what most guys could ever dream of.

You might be one of the guys that want to be with a Colombian woman and you’ve got good reason to be. The women down in Colombia are extraordinary — or at least, their reputation would have you believe.

But what if you’re not extraordinary yourself? What if you’re just an average guy and the woman that you’re in pursuit of is way out of your league? What if you’re a 6 on a good day and she’s an 8 on a bad one? What do you do when the woman that you want is a little bit out of your league? Well, for average guys dating Colombian women, or who want to start dating them, out of league does not necessarily mean out of reach.

An average guy can still get a girl that he perceives to be out of his league. So there’s no reason that you can’t get the kind of woman that you want.

Leagues are arbitrary anyway

Okay, so the first thing you need to know, the first lesson you need to internalize, when it comes to getting a woman out of your league is that leagues do not exist.

There’s no hard and fast rule governing these so-called leagues and there’s no agreement as to who qualifies for what league anyway. These so-called leagues are just made up, so you are under no obligation to adhere to their nonexistent standards. If you want to ask out a beautiful Colombian woman, go ahead and do it.

Building on that, those ratings that people often use to grade other people are subjective anyway. Your friend might say that you’re a 6 and the woman you’re enamored with is a 10, but what do they know? Beauty, you need to remember, is in the eye of the beholder.

Your friend might see you as a 6, but maybe the woman you want sees you as an 8 or higher. Just because someone says that someone is out of your league doesn’t mean that they are.

Don’t be intimidated

Now that you know that leagues and ratings aren’t real and only exist in the minds of a few people, you can ask someone out. But there’s another caveat; beautiful people are intimidating. Their beauty can make your head go all fuzzy. Also, there’s the possibility that they might reject you and the prospect of rejection can be very intimidating.

But here’s a secret no one tells you about beautiful people; they’re people, too. And because they’re people, they’re subject to the same insecurities that everyone else is. So while you’re intimidated by them, they might be intimidated by you or by something about you.

Rock what you’ve got

Alright, so the woman of whom you’re in pursuit is more physically attractive than you are. They might even be more successful than you. They might even be taller than you are. Maybe not that last one because the average height for a woman in Colombia is a hair’s breadth above five-foot-two, but you can probably see the picture that’s being painted.

You may not be a male model/superstar athlete, but you still have a lot to offer a beautiful woman. Maybe you’ve got a house that you’ve fully paid off. Maybe you’ve got a career that’s going great and the steady income that comes with it. Or maybe all you’ve got is the ability to commit to a relationship.

Whatever it is you’ve got, it’s going for you and there’s bound to be at least one beautiful woman in Colombia that wants what you’re able to bring to the table. Because you do have something that you’re bringing to the table. You just have to figure out what that thing is exactly and then use it to your advantage.

Look, a lot of women in Colombia are very family-focused, so if you’ve got your life together, if you’ve got a house, a job, and your life is steady, then that’s something that a lot of Colombian women are going to be interested in.

Don’t be insecure

Okay, so now that you know what you’ve got, you might also be aware of what you don’t have and you might look at yourself and think that what you’ve got isn’t going to be enough. Maybe a little voice in the back of your head is saying that your romantic pursuit is pointless and that you shouldn’t even try it.

Well, you need to tell that little voice to shut up because it doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

Your insecurity will do everything it can to hold you back. It’ll tell you that you’re not handsome enough, that you don’t know enough Spanish to chat up someone from Colombia, or it’ll tell you in some other way that you’re not enough.

Maybe it’s right. Maybe your romantic pursuit is pointless and will only end in heartbreak. But maybe it’s not right. Maybe you’re enough. Maybe you will find love. The voice isn’t all-knowing, after all, and you can definitely prove it wrong.

Go ahead and go for it

You can only spend so much time hyping yourself up. You can take stock of what you have to offer, you can tell the insecure voice in the back of your head to shut up, and you can tell yourself not to be intimidated, but at the end of the day, you have to actually go for it and pursue a woman romantically.

It’s not a bad thing to hype yourself up. It’s not a bad thing to try and give yourself the kind of confidence that you need in order to try and pursue someone romantically, even if you perceive them to be out of your league. But the thing is that you actually have to go ahead and do it. Now, it may seem hard, but it is something that can be done.

